Monday, May 4, 2009

Coen Bros

I believe the Coen brothers are shaping modern day film for a bright future. In our current day and age i believe they are the pinnacle of perfection when it comes to the film industry. everything they touch seems to turn to gold and that may be because of their unbelievable ability to grab the viewer and jerk them in any which way they would like the film to go. The beauty of this is the viewer never leaves mad they just see it as an unexpected twist which leaves them wanting more. I also believe how they give you the feeling of hopelessness in every film that theres a unstoppable evil coming and its just a matter of time until it gets you. Most of the time the charecter must face this evil and from there the hooks are in and you are not getting free. They also do a terrific job of blending comedy into their films in some cases like burn after reading a mystery type information perceived wrong with a very dark side with a couple murders to a laughable side which lightens the mood. they are directors who will truly stand the test of time because they throw you around like no other director ever has they have an inate ability to keep you on the edge of your seat which is what modern day america loves. So in a nutshell the Coen brothers are standing strong and will continue to until they choose to retire from their profession which we all hope is no time soon.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Gran Turino

Gran Turino was a fantastic piece of modern day film which will continue its success for many decades to come. I feel the final scene is the most important and influential scene of the movie just the power of a man standing against many to defend the only people who he truly cares about to give them a shot at a normal life and not having to live in fear. The scene is vintage Eastwood just the grief that hits you so deep leaving you speechless. One man who you've grown close to through out the film giving his life in order to give a new life to his loved ones gives a great sadness but it is accompinied by a gret happiness to think of a stunt as heroic as this following Eastwoods style of even with great grief there is still some good. The film uses lighthearted racism with allows the viewer to feel attached a classic style of Eastwood bringing the viewer closer to the main charecter. One more style he uses which is evident is the darkness you feel whenever the gangs come around it is that sinking feeling that you know something terrible is going to happen which is like the build up in million dollar baby. Eastwoods character is another vintage move by him in putting himself as a real hardass who is softened as the film goes on. The film starts as him expressionless having nothing left to live just waiting out the time he has left. He then realizes as he meets the neighbors that he needs interaction with people and color race religion doesnt matter to him just an envioronment which he can help in as shown by how he mentors his supporting actor Tao in the film. The most important aspect of the cinematic style is the lighting in my opinion is the lighting, it is used greatly when shadowing Eastwoods face the first half of the movie showing a sterness of his charecter and an inner wall to keep people out. Then the lighting goes purely light everything is illuminated when he starts letting people in but in the finale the lighting changes back for the tradgedy to come. When thinking of this film i have to say the greatest theme is purely life sucks at times but things do move on and things happen for a reason and life isnt always fair not everyone will be ok so be thankful for what and who you have in your life instead of dreading the sadness.