Thursday, March 27, 2008


This genre of film was one that I would tend to stay away from before and after this unit my opinion has not changed I still believe this is not an entertaining genre and their is nothing funny about these films. These films always focus on the depression of the main charecter andI dont see what is so funny about it. In addition to that Romantic comedies slow to such a slow pace at the end to make you wonder if they are going to get together but the suspense is not exciting it is just dull and boring. The screwball comedy is very similar but a little better than the romantic comedy which isn't saying much. The screwball is more entertaining than the Rom Com because it does not slow to a turtle pace but as we saw in My Girl Friday the films end quite abruptly not answering any questions which leaves you to infer the thousands of possible outcomes. In my opinion this genre is one just to fill empty space and nothing more. It is a film genre that causes people to think it might be good but makes them feel like shit as they watch and gives a little lift at the end which could never bring your spirits back up to what they were before you saw the film

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Western

Both of the westerns we viewed in our class were amazing with the high paced adventure of Stagecoach and the suspenseful Unforgiven.
Stagecoach showed in many ways that civilation was not civilized itself. Many of the charecters in the film went through a role reversal like Dallas going from a town prostitute to a very helpful and nice person and in the opposite the banker starts off seeming as a civilized man but then all he does is steal and complain of his problems which reveals him to be very selfish. The quote which Doc Boone says at the end of the movie brings the overall message "look's like their saved from the blessings of civilization.
Unforgiven is a movie which show no matter what you have become you are always the person you used to be. At the beggining Will Munny has problems with riding a horse, catching a pig, or shooting a gun straight. By the end of the movie He regains his ability to be what he once was whenNed is beat to death and Will Munny must avenge Ned who was prosecuted for a crime he did not commit. Unforgiven gives a constant reminder of what never changes in people because certain people cant drop things.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Groundhog day is a very well pieced together movie with it's light hearted comedy with a touch of romance. Ground hogs day was wonderfully directed by Harold Ramis with flawless editing and use of suprise rather than in the last movie I watched Psycho which was all about suspense. Phil Connors (Bill Murray) is a weatherman who is is so egotistical that nothing else matters but himself and his image on T.V. As the movie rolls on for Phil Connors he continues to pine after his producer Rita (Andie MacDowell) who is not into the nonsense that Phil has been dishing out from the moment they meet. As some kind of cruel joke played by eternity Phil Connors lives groundhogs day over and over again in a never ending loop. Phil starts off paranoid at first because of what is happening but then he realizes that he can get away with anything he wants because of the time loop. Eventually the time comes where Phil has done absolutely everything and can not stand the constant cycle anymore so a montage was created of the ways he kills himself which is a very funny montage and captures that he will do anything to get out of this cycle. Phil eventually just gives in and does everything nice and nothing he does is selfish because he doesn't care about himself anymore. I will not reveal the ending but I think that everybody already knows. The whole movie setting is set up by all long shots like at the beggining shows the city skyscrapers which shows a crowded rich look and when Phil wakes up in Punxsutawney and there is a long shot out his window to the street on groundhogs day morning which shows a quiet and peaceful town that loves groundhogs day. The editing is also flawless but not amazing like there is not really anything put in except for sound. Speaking of sound, the sound is perfect for the movie because every action has a sound to match it perfectly so every sound and song is perfect. This movie was good but not great because it keeps your attention for the first hour because it is a new spin by having a continuous time loop but it gets old by the end of the movie you are sick of what is happening and it just runs on to long for someone like me.