Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Western

Both of the westerns we viewed in our class were amazing with the high paced adventure of Stagecoach and the suspenseful Unforgiven.
Stagecoach showed in many ways that civilation was not civilized itself. Many of the charecters in the film went through a role reversal like Dallas going from a town prostitute to a very helpful and nice person and in the opposite the banker starts off seeming as a civilized man but then all he does is steal and complain of his problems which reveals him to be very selfish. The quote which Doc Boone says at the end of the movie brings the overall message "look's like their saved from the blessings of civilization.
Unforgiven is a movie which show no matter what you have become you are always the person you used to be. At the beggining Will Munny has problems with riding a horse, catching a pig, or shooting a gun straight. By the end of the movie He regains his ability to be what he once was whenNed is beat to death and Will Munny must avenge Ned who was prosecuted for a crime he did not commit. Unforgiven gives a constant reminder of what never changes in people because certain people cant drop things.


Grady P. said...

Hey Cole! I think you had some very good points. Especially the one that said civilization was not civilized itself and the whole role reversal thing. It reminds me of how in Unforgivin Little Bob tried to make his town civilized, but he was the one making it uncivilized.

zoe said...

The civilization idea was key, how it's not really all that civilized. I agree with you on the part about William Munny loosing and regaining his skills.

Peter said...

Good point about how civilization is some what putting on a show and we can really see what is going on when the need for the more civilized people come up they are nowhere to be found. It is a good theme.