Thursday, March 27, 2008


This genre of film was one that I would tend to stay away from before and after this unit my opinion has not changed I still believe this is not an entertaining genre and their is nothing funny about these films. These films always focus on the depression of the main charecter andI dont see what is so funny about it. In addition to that Romantic comedies slow to such a slow pace at the end to make you wonder if they are going to get together but the suspense is not exciting it is just dull and boring. The screwball comedy is very similar but a little better than the romantic comedy which isn't saying much. The screwball is more entertaining than the Rom Com because it does not slow to a turtle pace but as we saw in My Girl Friday the films end quite abruptly not answering any questions which leaves you to infer the thousands of possible outcomes. In my opinion this genre is one just to fill empty space and nothing more. It is a film genre that causes people to think it might be good but makes them feel like shit as they watch and gives a little lift at the end which could never bring your spirits back up to what they were before you saw the film

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